Friday, August 19, 2011

Fun in the Sun (18" x 24" by 2" deep)

Upon first examination, "Fun in the Sun" is just as the title implies, a light hearted look at fun in the sun and on the beach. However, buried under the layers of paint, some completely hidden are my personal subversive fears and concerns about clean, safe, water being destroyed by our culture's oil dependency and general profligacy. Of course my fear is based in reality. The Deepwater Horizon disaster on April 20th, 2010 and the subsequent Brobdingnagian oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico has all but been forgotten, though dead turtles and poupoises continue to wash ashore in Alabama, Louisiana and Florida, and marshlands continue to die as well.

I hope the "WATERWORKS" will serve to remind people that they depend on oceans and marshlands, not just for fun, but for their very lives.